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An essential Trademark Registration Checklist for Brand Owners in 2023

Trademark Registration Checklist for 2023

A brand’s identity is its name. Whenever consumers think about your product or services, the brand name is the first thing that strikes their minds. It means every business owner has the responsibility to protect his or her valuable brand name through trademark registration in the UAE. However, the process of registering a trademark in the UAE involves several steps and requirements.

Brand owners, especially the owners of brands in the SME or startup category, may flounder while navigating these hurdles. Trademark agents in the UAE can, however, remove legal obstacles and simplify the brand registration process. Creating a checklist for trademark registration in the UAE will also help you streamline the procedures. Here is an essential trademark registration checklist for brand owners in 2023:

No conflict with other trademarks

Avoiding conflict with other trademarks should be at the top of your UAE trademark registration checklist. You need to make sure that your proposed trademark is not identical or similar to already registered marks or pending applications. This can be a tough task for brand owners but trademark agents in the UAE offer services to search for conflicting trademarks.

When you avail of trademark search services in the UAE, trademark agents will look for any conflicting marks in the official trademark database and inform you. If no matches are found, you can proceed further. Otherwise, you need to do a rebranding to save your proposed trademark from being opposed by the owner of the original mark.

A distinctive brand name

If you want your brand to be the top priority of customers, it should be unique and distinctive. Moreover, from a legal perspective, only distinctive trademarks are registrable. A generic or descriptive brand name will be rejected by the UAE Trademark Office as they offer the lowest degree of protection. Come up with unique and inventive brand names to get your trademark easily registered in the UAE. Some of the famous trademarks known for their distinctiveness are Apple, Google, XEROX, ROLEX etc. Such unique trademarks will help the consumers easily identify the source of the goods or services.

Properly describe Goods and services

While registering a trademark in the UAE, you need to describe the goods or services covered by the proposed trademark. Brand owners must register their trademarks under the relevant class of goods and services as per the Nice Classification List. The Nice Classification List has 45 classes of goods and services. Avail of trademark services in Dubai to accurately select the classes. Selecting the wrong class or fewer classes may lead to brand confusion and imperil trademark enforcement.

Prepare the Application

You need to prepare the application for UAE trademark registration and submit it to the Ministry of Economy. The ownership must be accurately stated and the documents should be proper and complete. Trademark agents in the UAE can help you submit your application to the Ministry of Economy.

Apply for international protection

If you have business interests in other countries or an expansion is imminent, then you must opt for international trademark registration through the Madrid Protocol. Madrid Protocol is an international trademark protection system that allows brand owners to protect their trademarks in more than 125 countries by submitting only a single application.

Moreover, you can file the application in a single language by paying only a single set of fees. However, you need to have an existing trademark or a pending application in your home country’s IP office. The UAE is one of the member countries of the Madrid Protocol, which makes it easier to obtain global brand protection easily.

Hire the Best Trademark Agents in the UAE

The process of trademark registration in the UAE is a time-consuming process with no room for errors. A checklist will be helpful for brand owners to prepare for registering their trademark in the UAE flawlessly. If you wish to have your brand protected in the UAE without any hassle, hire the best trademark agents in the UAE such as Jitendra Intellectual Property (JIP). We are one of the leading IP firms in Dubai, offering end-to-end protection to your brand.

Our highly qualified trademark agents aim to reshape the concept of brand protection and provide access to quality & affordable trademark registration services in the UAE. We ensure your trademark remains protected throughout its lifespan by carrying out a trademark search, trademark watch and trademark renewal services. JIP also offer international trademark registration services through the Madrid Protocol. Contact us for a consultation on how to protect your trademark in the UAE and across the world.

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