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How Car Brands can Protect their Trademarks in UAE?

How Car Brands can Protect their Trademarks in UAE?

Conducting trademark registration in the UAE is critical for car manufacturers as the automotive sector is an IP-intensive industry. However, due to the characteristics of the industry, car manufacturers may face certain challenges while registering a trademark in the UAE. Car brands can navigate these challenges by associating with leading trademark agents in the UAE with sufficient experience and expertise.

Car manufacturers planning to protect their brands in the UAE can learn some valuable trademark lessons from this blog. Read ahead to know how to protect your trademarks in the UAE:

Get Protection for your Master Labels

The master label can be defined as the primary trademark that every car manufacturer should protect first. It is a wordmark that represents the name of the company. The master label is the most important asset of a company and its best-known name. Here are a few examples of such trademarks: ‘TOYOTA’, ‘BMW’, and ‘TESLA’.

Safeguard Every Brand under the Company

Every car maker manufactures and sells different brands of cars with varying specifications, catering to different customer groups. For example, Toyota has brands such as ‘LEXUS’, ‘CAMRY’, ‘COROLLA’ etc. Toyota has trademarked its primary trademark ‘TOYOTA’ along with the names of each car brand it makes. It is essential to register a trademark in the UAE for each of your car brands.

Find a Strategy to Trademark Model Brands

Trademark registration for the automotive industry is challenging and the difficulty becomes more pronounced when it comes to protecting your model brands. For example, Audi has model brands named A3, A4, A5, A6, A8, Q7, Q5L, and R8. Getting trademark registration in the UAE or anywhere else for model brand names can be challenging as some of these names may not pass the distinctiveness test.

Consumers will not be able to recognize a mix of letters and numbers as a common representation of a trademark. Trademarks such as these will make it tougher for consumers to distinguish the origin of the goods and may get rejected by the trademark office. Toyota has navigated this situation in certain jurisdictions by seeking protection for ‘LEXUS LS350’ instead of ‘LS350’ and registering ‘LEXUS LC500h’ instead of ‘LC500h’. Trademark agents in the UAE can advise you on a proper strategy if you encounter a situation such as this.

Search before you Apply

It is important to ensure that your proposed trademark is not identical or similar to other trademarks that have been registered previously. If an existing trademark owner finds your proposed trademark is similar to his registered mark, he can oppose your application. The application may either get rejected or you may be forced to defend your proposed mark in court.

However, you can conduct a trademark search in the UAE to avoid opposition from other parties. Trademark agents in the UAE can search the official trademark database to ensure your trademark is not in conflict with any of the previously registered marks. A Trademark search is the best way to accelerate the process of trademark registration.

Register your UAE Trademark in the Right Class

Car manufacturers need to file their trademarks under Class 12 of the Nice Classification of goods and services. Class 12 is for ‘Vehicles; apparatus for locomotion by land, air or water. Registering your trademark in the wrong class may make it difficult for you to enforce your trademark. You can also register your trademark in other classes that are relevant to your brand.

Enforce your Registered Marks Properly

Trademarks in the automotive industry are highly vulnerable to infringement. Car manufacturers are one of the top communities in the world that frequently engage in lengthy trademark disputes. One of the best ways to identify trademark infringement is to avail of trademark watch services in Dubai. Once the watch service is availed, trademark agents in the UAE will monitor the market to identify the unauthorized of your registered trademark in the local marketplace. Depending on the watch report, you can take necessary legal action.

Protect your Car Brands through Trademark Agents in the UAE

Trademark registration in the UAE is unavoidable for carmakers as the automotive industry is highly vulnerable to infringement. However, the assistance of trademark agents in the UAE can help you expedite the registration process. When it comes to brand registration in the UAE, you should look no further than Jitendra Intellectual Property (JIP).

JIP is a leading IP firm in Dubai with years of experience and is backed by a team of highly qualified professionals. We protect your trademark with robust trademark services in the UAE such as trademark registration & renewal, trademark search, trademark watch etc. JIP also protects your trademark worldwide through the Madrid Protocol. Avail of our services to protect your trademarks across the world.

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