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Key Trademark Aspects E-Cigarette Brands Must Be Aware of

Key Trademark Aspects E-Cigarette Brands Must Be Aware of

Ensuring brand protection through trademark registration in the UAE is critical for businesses that make and sell e-cigarettes or vaping products in the region. E-cigarettes were introduced in the UAE as an alternative to traditional tobacco products and commanded a healthy market share at lightning speed. Considering the completion in the market, registering a trademark in the UAE has become imperative for vaping brands to script brand success in the local market.

However, unlike other brands, e-cigarette trademarking is beset with certain challenges as smoking is increasingly seen as unhealthy and socially unacceptable. You need to develop a branding tactic keeping this in mind. However, after developing a brand, you must not forget to register it as a trademark with the help of trademark agents in the UAE.  In this blog, we will provide you with valuable lessons on e-cigarette trademarks. Keep reading for further insights:

Start with a Trademark Search

Like any other product or service, it is advisable to conduct a trademark search before applying for registering your trademark in the UAE. By carrying out a trademark search in the UAE you can see if any other e-cigarette brand has registered a brand name that is similar to your proposed mark. If there is no conflicting match for your mark, you can confidently proceed with your application.

However, if there is a conflicting match you need to come up with a different brand name. Failing to carry out a search will lead to the rejection of your trademark application. This is because the owner of the senior mark can file an opposition against your proposed mark citing confusing similarities. Trademark agents in the UAE can help you with carrying out robust trademark search services.

Select a Distinctive Brand Name

Coming up with a strong brand name for your e-cigarette brand increases the chances of successful trademark registration in the UAE. If the brand name is too obvious, easy to guess or directly describes your product, chances are high it may get rejected. Be imaginative and select a brand name that is creative and hard to guess. For instance, you can develop a strong trademark by coining a new word which doesn’t have any meaning related to your product. Such invented words are called fanciful trademarks and they enjoy the highest level of trademark protection. Consult with trademark agents in the UAE to assess the strength of your trademark.

Classify the Mark under Proper Goods & Services

While applying for trademark registration in the UAE, you must file the proposed mark under the right classes of goods or services. The UAE follows the Nice Classification System consisting of 45 classes of products and services. You need to find which classes properly describe your e-cigarette product and file your mark under the right classes. As per the Nice Classification, Class 34 is the primary class for e-cigarette products.

Trademark Class 34 is related to tobacco, smokers’ articles and matches. It also includes Tobacco substitutes (not for medical purposes). If any other class is relevant to your product you may file your mark under those classes as well. Trademark agents in the UAE can help you classify your mark under the right classes.

Apply for Worldwide Trademark Protection

If you are targeting any market outside the UAE for future expansion, it is advisable to trademark your brand in those regions as well. Unlike in the past, getting international trademark protection doesn’t cost a huge amount of money as the UAE has recently joined the Madrid Protocol. Under the Madrid Protocol, you can apply for trademark protection in more than 125 countries through a single filing and a single language by paying only a single set of a fee.

Watch Out for Trademark Infringement

Since the trading of e-cigarettes is governed by many restrictions and regulations, the chances of counterfeiting are high. If any unauthorised use of your trademark misses your notice, your brand reputation is at stake. You can avail of trademark watch services in the UAE to detect if any third party is using your registered trademark without your authorisation. Based on the watch report provided by trademark agents in the UAE, you can initiate relevant legal action against the infringers.

Hire the Best Trademark Agents in the UAE

If you want to make your e-cigarette brand a success among the public, then protect your brands through trademark registration in the UAE. However, you need to hire trademark agents in the UAE to register your valued trademarks with the Ministry of Economy. If you are looking for the best trademark services in Dubai, look no further than Jitendra Intellectual Property (JIP). JIP’s qualified and dedicated team can guide you on each step of the trademark registration process. We offer bespoke services such as trademark registration & renewal, trademark search and trademark monitoring. JIP can also assist you with the Madrid Protocol of International Trademark Registration.

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