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Key Trademark Insights for Brands in the Healthcare Industry

Key trademark insights for brands in the healthcare industry

Trademark registration in the UAE is often overlooked by healthcare providers even though the country is a key market for the healthcare industry. Whether you are starting a new medical practice, operating a long-established business, or actively engaged in hospital advertising, you need to have a protected trademark. Registering a trademark in the UAE helps you establish your IP rights by using them in commerce including medical practice advertising or hospital marketing.

You can also prevent other parties from making a profit out of your hard-earned reputation by registering your brand name, logo or catchphrase (slogan) as a trademark in the UAE. The following blog will provide key trademark insights for brands in the healthcare industry:

Use Trademarks to Stand Out from Competition

The healthcare market is overpopulated in the UAE with all the leading players (for example: Aster, NMC, Thumbay, Saudi German etc.) enjoying a good brand reputation and recognition. This intense competition requires a new player to establish a brand reputation to survive the clash of the titans. Creating a reputation is a tough process and maintaining it is even tougher. However, registering a trademark in the UAE is the key to maintaining a strong brand reputation among your customers. Create a unique trademark that stands out from your competitors to enjoy business success in the UAE.

Trademarks can Create Loyal Customers

Branding is more important in healthcare than in any other industry. In this sector, the consumers are primarily patients who want to protect their health. They will choose a healthcare provider with a good reputation in the market as they cannot risk their health and well-being. Newcomers in the sector can attract customers by having a registered trademark in the UAE. People always associate a registered trademark with quality and reliability. Trademark agents in the UAE can assist you in registering your trademarks without any hassle.

Trademarks Convey a Brand Message

It is important for healthcare providers to be recognized by potential patients or clients. Each healthcare provider is known among the clients for certain values and/or special services. Healthcare providers need to create a good image under a single brand to make their clients avail of their services repeatedly. This image can be based on the vision of the healthcare company. For example, some healthcare providers highlight themselves as a ‘Family Hospital’.

If you want to convey such a brand message to the patients, it is important to build a brand around that value and protect it through trademark registration in the UAE. By recognising a registered trademark, the patients may feel that they have found the right place for themselves and their health problems. To achieve this goal, healthcare providers need to focus on the development, protection and enforcement as well as communication of the brand directly to the target patient/customer.

Legal Aspects of Registering a Trademark in the UAE

You have now learned the importance of registering a brand in the UAE. However, the process of trademark registration requires you to comply with certain rules and regulations. You need to execute a set of pre-defined steps and procedures to complete the registration process. Trademark agents in the UAE can help you at each stage of the registration process. Here is how you can register a trademark in the UAE: Legal aspects of registering a trademark in the UAE

Hire the Best Trademark Agents in the UAE

Trademarks are a healthcare business’ identity and you must protect them by conducting trademark registration in the UAE. In a competitive industry like the healthcare industry, a strong trademark can make the difference between a failing business and a growing business. If you opened a healthcare business or are planning to open one, you can consult with trademark agents in the UAE such as Jitendra Intellectual Property (JIP). We are one of the top providers of trademark services in Dubai with years of experience. JIP can provide you with a robust trademark protection and enforcement strategy that fits your brand’s needs and budget.

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