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Key Trademark Insights for Sanitary Ware Brands

Key trademark insights for sanitaryware brands

Except for the big brands, many small or medium players in the sanitary ware industry are generally reluctant to carry out trademark registration in the UAE. This reluctance to register a trademark in the UAE subjects their brands to greater risks such as counterfeiting, loss of brand reputation, and brand confusion among customers due to copycat logos and brand names. All these risks will lead to a loss of revenue and you may eventually lose relevance in the market. However, you can avoid these perils by registering your trademarks with the help of trademark agents in the UAE.

However, before approaching any IP firm in Dubai, you need to be aware of some general trademark lessons to navigate the procedures easily. This blog can be a great source for you to learn the practical details of registering your brand in the UAE or across the world. Start reading the article to gain key trademark insights for sanitary ware brands:

What Aspects of a Sanitary Ware Brand Can Be Trademarked?

When customers think of buying sanitary ware for their bathroom, an established brand name or its logo comes to their mind. People clearly remember certain brand names and logos because those brands have established a strong identity and protected it through trademark registration in the UAE. Some of the top brands include RAK Ceramics, Kohler, Cera, Jaguar, Toto etc. are some of the top sanitary ware brands.

You can replicate their success by registering your brand’s name, logo, catchphrase etc. A trademark can also be a shape (3D marks), colour, sound or smell. Trademark agents in the UAE can help you determine what aspects of your brand can be protected.

Select a Distinctive and Strong Trademark

Ensure the brand name you have selected for your trademark is strong and distinctive. This is an important step as the registration of your trademark depends upon your mark’s strength. Creative or fanciful names that are invented words with no apparent meaning are considered the strongest trademarks. A brand name that is generic or simply describes any aspect of the product or service is considered a weak trademark. Trademark agents in the UAE can help you assess the strength of your proposed mark.

Search if the Mark Is Available for Registration

Coming up with a strong trademark doesn’t mean you can easily get your trademark registered in the UAE. You need to ensure that no one else has registered an identical or similar trademark previously. If such a similar mark exists, you may be opposed by the owner of the senior mark which would get your proposed mark rejected.

You may be also forced to do a rebranding to avoid trademark disputes. You can avoid such a situation by carrying out a trademark search in the UAE. Trademark agents in the UAE can search the official database to identify the existence of conflicting marks. Avail of the best trademark search services in Dubai to ensure you are not infringing upon any other party’s IP rights.

Determine Which Class the Mark Belongs to

UAE follows the NICE Classification system consisting of 45 classes of products and services. You need to accurately choose the primary class that represents your goods or services. However, you need to file your trademark in secondary classes also if they are relevant to your goods or services. You can choose Class 11 as the primary class for products such as anti-splash tap nozzles, bathtubs, bath linings, bath installations/bath plumbing fixtures, bath fittings, bidets, disinfectant dispensers for toilets/disinfectant distributors for toilets, flushing tanks, fountains, heaters for baths, mixer taps for water pipes etc.

Create a Worldwide Trademark Strategy

All the well-known sanitary ware brands have a strong presence in international markets. If you want to expand into more countries, get your trademark registered worldwide through the Madrid Protocol. The UAE joined the Madrid Protocol on September 28th, 2021, which allows you to get trademark protection in over 125 countries with a single application, in a single language and paying only a single set of fees.

Develop a Strong Trademark Enforcement Plan

Your responsibility towards your brand doesn’t end with carrying out trademark registration in the UAE. You need to enforce it strongly to protect it from infringers and counterfeiters. Inferior products with your logo may confuse the customers, putting your brand reputation at risk. This can be prevented by availing of trademark watch services in the UAE.

With the help of a watch service, you can monitor the market to detect any kind of infringement. Additionally, you can record your registered trademark with the UAE Customs to curb any cat of counterfeiting.  The Customs officials of the relevant emirate will stop and seize any inbound shipments that contain goods infringing your registered mark. Trademark agents in the UAE can advise you on enforcing your registered marks in the country.

Hire the Best Trademark Agents in the UAE

Foreign companies are required to hire trademark agents in the UAE to register their brands with the Ministry of Economy. The best IP firms in Dubai, such as Jitendra Intellectual Property (JIP), can help you hassle-free protect your logo, brand name, or slogan. Our trademark services in the UAE include trademark registration/renewal, trademark search, trademark watch, etc. JIP also provides international trademark registration services as per the Madrid Protocol. Call our dedicated trademark experts to ensure your trademarks remain protected.

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