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Why Trademarks are Vital for Protecting Pharmaceutical Brands?

Why Trademarks are Vital for Protecting Pharmaceutical Brands?

In the past, pharmaceutical companies used to focus more on Patents and mostly overlooked the importance of trademarks for IP protection. However, as competition increased, pharmaceutical investors realised the importance of safeguarding their valued brands with trademark registration. Protection for IP assets secured through trademark registration in the UAE helps the pharmaceutical brands to let the fundamental Research and Development mature into sales and brand recognition.

Conducting brand registration in the UAE for pharmaceutical products is beneficial for businesses as well as consumers as it serves as a brand identifier amidst a plethora of similar products. This article describes how trademark registration in the UAE helps pharmaceutical companies, health professionals and consumers to understand why trademarks are vital for protecting Pharmaceutical Brands.

A Unique Trademark Helps Health Professionals

The selection of a unique and distinctive trademark forms the core of a robust brand registration strategy. Pharmaceutical brands gearing up for trademark registration in the UAE should select a brand name that ensures the highest level of protection. Brand names created using coined terms provides the highest degree of protection (fanciful trademarks). In contrast, generic names offer the least level of IP protection and such trademarks must be avoided.

The pharmaceutical industry used to rely heavily upon generic names of drugs before branding became prominent. Relying upon generic names raises chances of clinical error as health professionals may find it hard to spell and remember. A fanciful or arbitrary brand name minimises the risk of clinical errors and helps health professionals administer the correct medication. Pharmaceutical companies can consult with trademark agents in Dubai to determine if the trademark they selected is distinctive enough.

Patients Can Choose Right Medication

As opposed to a generic name, a trademarked brand name helps consumers choose the right medication for their medical condition. For example, Paracetamol (acetaminophen) is a generic name for a drug used to treat pain and fever. Almost all pharmaceutical companies manufacture and sell their own Paracetamol brand in the market (Excedrin, Calpol, Panadol etc.). A trademarked brand name helps the consumers distinguish between different brands and choose the right brand of Paracetamol.

Consumers’ previous good experience while buying a particular company’s product makes them loyal towards that particular brand. They repeatedly buy the same brand as they associate the brand name with a certain level of trust. For example, if brand A gave them the desired result over brand ‘B’, the consumers will purchase the brand again. This makes it vital for pharmaceutical companies to secure IP protection through trademark registration in the UAE before selling the products in the country.

Manufacturers can Monitor Safety of Drugs

Unlike consumer products, pharmaceutical products are associated with a greater risk of health hazard. The manufacturers need to monitor the market for reports of negative effects of the drugs. If a similar drug is reported to endanger the lives of consumers, the manufacturers need to be on the alert. The role of a registered trademark as a brand distinguisher comes to the aid of manufacturers in such cases, enabling them to monitor the safety of existing drugs. It will be a time-consuming process to distinguish the particular product if the only identifier is a generic name as opposed to a registered brand name.

An Efficient Way to Prevent Counterfeits

Counterfeits are a great threat to the pharmaceutical industry that drains the profits of the companies apart from putting human lives in danger. Customers will be tricked into buying a cheaper imitation of a pharmaceutical brand, unwittingly exposing themselves to grave health hazards. Brand owners who have registered their trademarks in the UAE can rightfully initiate legal proceedings against the counterfeiters.

A pharmaceutical brand owner can record their registered trademarks with the Customs Authorities of the respective emirates. The Customs officials will alert the brand owner once they spot the presence of counterfeit products. The officials will then conduct a raid on the premises to seize the counterfeited goods. The brand owners can also move against fake goods by lodging a complaint at the Economic Department of the respective emirate in the UAE. Administrative Action against fake goods in the UAE is a much cheaper and efficient way of blocking counterfeit goods. In both cases, the brand owners need to secure IP protection for brands through trademark registration in the UAE.

Protect Pharmaceutical Brands with Jitendra Intellectual Property

Safeguarding a pharmaceutical brand through trademark registration in the UAE is critical for brand owners, health professionals, as well as consumers. The proliferation of counterfeits and infringing brands is a threat to business profitability apart from public health. Considering the sensitivity of the products, brand owners can register their trademarks with the best trademark agents in Dubai, such as Jitendra Intellectual Property (JIP).

JIP has been at the forefront of helping businesses from a wide range of industries to secure their trademarks in the UAE as well as other GCC countries. The trademark agents will guide the brand owners through the entire process of trademark registration in a quick manner. JIP provides assistance in minimising trademark infringement and counterfeiting by helping the brand owners record their trademarks with Customs Authorities. Register your trademarks with JIP’s assistance for efficiently securing your brand in the marketplace.

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