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How to Obtain ESMA Certification for LPG Cylinders in UAE?

How to Obtain ESMA Certification for LPG Cylinders in UAE

The distribution of LPG cylinders in the UAE is being regulated by the Emirates Authority for Standardisation and Metrology (ESMA). Suppliers of LPG cylinders must perform ESMA product certification in the UAE to import or sell the product in the local market. The distribution of LPG cylinders has witnessed exponential growth in the UAE due to increasing demand from commercial and residential sectors.

However, LPG is highly inflammable and can form explosive mixtures with air. The Federal Government has brought LPG cylinders under the scope of ESMA product certification in the UAE to safeguard the public from such risks. ESMA’s certification ensures that only high-quality cylinders are distributed in the UAE market. Therefore, LPG cylinder suppliers must certify their products through product certification agents in Dubai, UAE. If you wish to legally sell LPG cylinders in the UAE, read the below facets about ESMA product certification:

Who Should Apply for Product Certification? 

All the importers, distributors and local manufacturers of LPG Cylinders must obtain relevant certification from ESMA before distributing their products in the UAE market. Imported products reaching the ports without ESMA certification will be rejected by the Customs during shipment. Similarly, locally manufactured products without ESMA Conformity Certificate will be withdrawn from markets if they are placed in the market. Product certification agents in Dubai can help the suppliers to distribute the products in the local market with ESMA certification.

Scope of Products for ESMA Certification  

Before applying for product certification in the UAE, the applicants must understand the type of products that are subject to ESMA certification. Here is a list of LPG cylinder products that require ESMA product certification in the UAE:

Type of Certification for LPG Cylinders 

Regulated LPG cylinder products must be certified under ESMA’s Emirates Conformity Assessment Scheme (ECAS). ECAS is a mandatory product certification scheme required for the products to clear UAE Customs as well as for placing the products in the UAE Marketplace. ECAS sets out the quality and safety requirements for all regulated products including LPG cylinders. Importers, manufacturers and distributors can use the ECAS certificate to prove that their products have been approved by the UAE government through ESMA.

Mandatory Standards for LPG Cylinder Products 

The applicable scheme for certifying LPG Cylinders is the Emirates Scheme to control Liquified Petroleum Gas (LPG) Cylinders, No. 11 of the year 2011, & Decision of ESMA Board Directors Chairman: No 81 of the year 2014. The schemes prescribe the following standards for certifying LPG cylinders in the UAE:

Key Requirements for ESMA Product Certification in the UAE 

Applicants should note that the requirements of product certification in the UAE may vary depending on the scope of regulated products. Product certification agents in Dubai can offer more insights on the specific requirement for each product type. Below is a list of general requirements for certifying LPG cylinder products with ESMA:

Additional Requirements for Factory Audit 

Certain products, including the LPG cylinders, will be certified after conducting the factory audit. This requirement specifically applies to local manufacturers of LPG cylinder products. The following documents must be submitted for onsite factory evaluation:

Consult with the Best Product Certification Agents in Dubai 

Due to their inflammable nature, LPG cylinder products are subjected to product certification in the UAE before being distributed in the local marketplace. However, importers and manufacturers may find it tough to understand the complex steps set out by the ESMA. This is where product certification agents in Dubai, such as Jitendra Intellectual Property (JIP) come in handy for the suppliers of LPG cylinders. JIP can help the importers, manufacturers and distributors to comply with all the mandatory standards and technical requirements. Call us today to obtain an ESMA conformity certificate without any hassle.

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