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What Does Class 9 Cover in Trademark Applications?

What Does Class 9 Cover in Trademark Applications

While conducting trademark registration in the UAE, most Small brands often find it challenging to determine the accurate trademark classes. If you are not a trademark attorney or an agent, the selection of classes can be tough as there are 45 trademark classes to choose from, 34 classes for goods and 11 for services. However, a registered trademark will be protected in the classes listed in your trademark application.

For example, if your brand is associated with electrical and scientific apparatus, you need to select trademark Class 9 as your primary trademark class as per the Nice Classification. Moreover, you need to select other related classes as well. If the selection goes wrong, it can create brand confusion and adversely impact your brand enforcement efforts. Trademark agents in Dubai can help you accurately select the trademark classes. Read on to learn more about the goods covered by Class 9 in a trademark application:

List of Goods that come under Trademark Class 9

The Class 9 of Nice Classification List includes mainly apparatus and instruments for scientific or research purposes, audio-visual and information technology equipment, as well as safety and life-saving equipment. The following specific goods come under Class 9:

Similar Goods not Included in Class 9

Selecting a class is challenging for those applying for trademark registration in the UAE or any other jurisdiction because you may find goods that are not included in Class 9. Such a similar good may belong to another class and this increases the risk of listing your trademark in the wrong class. Trademark agents in the UAE can provide expert assistance in avoiding such confusion. Given below is the list of products that you may confuse with the goods in Class 9:

Considerations when Selecting Trademark Classes

There are many challenges you must navigate while selecting a trademark class for your valued brand. Sometimes you may select the wrong class or select only fewer classes. Both can weaken the level of protection for your trademark as your registered trademark will only be protected in association with the trademark classes you’ve selected.

Such risks can be avoided by evaluating your business plan, considering both the products and services you currently offer and those you plan to offer in the future. Performing these tasks can help you accurately determine which trademark classes you must include on your application. Entrepreneurs will be lacking the time and expertise to do such critical assessments. However, you can hire the best trademark agents in the UAE to carry out an assessment of your application and recommend the appropriate trademark classes.

Select the Right Classes through Trademark Agents in the UAE

If you are dealing with electronic and scientific apparatus, you must file your trademark under Class 9. Consider working with the best Trademark Agents in the UAE such as Jitendra Intellectual Property (JIP) to determine whether your goods come within Class 9 apart from choosing the right coordinates classes.  JIP is one of the leading IP firms in Dubai, offering end-to-end protection to your brand.

Our highly qualified trademark agents aim to reshape the concept of brand protection and provide access to quality & affordable trademark registration services in the UAE. We ensure your trademark remains protected throughout its lifespan by carrying out a trademark search, trademark watch and trademark renewal services. JIP also offer international trademark registration services through the Madrid Protocol. Contact us for a consultation on how to protect your trademark in the UAE and across the world.

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