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What Kind of Inventions Cannot be Patented in the UAE?

What Kind of Inventions Cannot be Patented in the UAE

Patent registration is critical for fostering innovation and protecting the IP rights of inventors in the UAE. The UAE Patent Law specifies certain criteria that inventors must meet to obtain patent protection.

Inventors in the UAE need to understand what can be patented and what cannot be patented to get comprehensive protection for their inventions. Understanding the complex provisions of the patent law can be a daunting task for inventors. However, inventors in the UAE can simplify the patent law provisions with the help of registered patent agents.

In this blog post, you can learn more about the types of things that cannot get patent protection in the UAE:

Provisions of the UAE Patent Law

The Federal Law No. 11 of 2021 is the law that governs the regulation and protection of Industrial Property Rights in the UAE.

The provisions of Federal Law No. 11/2021 and Cabinet Decision No. 6/2022 outline the patentable subject matters in the UAE.

What can be Registered as a Patent in the UAE?

The UAE grants patents only for inventions. The Federal Law No. 11/2021 defines an invention as

“ An innovative idea conceived by an inventor in any technical field in relation to a product, a method of manufacturing, or both of them, in a way that practically leads to a new addition or a solution to a specific problem in such field.”

Type of Things not Patentable in the UAE

The UAE mainly awards patents to inventions and the following things will not be granted a patent in the country:

·         Plant varieties, animal species, or biological methods of producing plants or animals, with exceptions for microbiological methods and their products.

·         Diagnostic methods, treatments, and surgical methods related to the treatment of humans and animals.

·         Principles, discoveries, scientific theories, and mathematical methods.

·         Plans, rules, computer programs, or methods used for conducting business or engaging in purely mental activities or playing a game.

·         Natural materials, even if purified or isolated from nature, except methods of isolating or purifying them from the natural environment.

·         Inventions that may violate public order or morals or cause harm to life, health, or the environment.

UAE’s Patent Eligibility Requirements

An invention can be granted patent protection only if it meets the criteria outlined in the UAE IP Law. If an inventor needs to protect an invention in the UAE, it is advisable to understand more about the eligibility requirements with the help of registered patent agents. The patent eligibility requirements are:

Novelty: The invention should be novel, which means it must be the result of an innovative idea or innovative improvement.

The patent will be granted to any novel application, modification, improvement or addition related to a previously patented invention if it meets the conditions.

An invention is considered new or novel if it is not preceded by an earlier technology disclosed to the public. It means the invention should not be known to the public before the date of filing the patent application or of the legally claiming priority.

Inventive Step: The inventions should involve an inventive step to be eligible for patent protection. It means the invention should not be obvious to an ordinary person skilled in the field to where the invention belongs.

Industrial Application: An invention will be eligible for patent protection if it has an industrial application. It means the invention can be manufactured or used in any field. This requirement is to ensure that the invention has practical applicability in all sectors.

Hire JIP, the UAE’s Leading Patent Agents

Understanding the requirements to be eligible for patent registration is essential for inventors to protect their inventions in the UAE. Patents are granted in the UAE for inventions that meet criteria such as novelty, inventive step, and industrial applicability. Moreover, patents will not be granted to exclusions outlined in this blog as stated in Federal Law No. 11/2021.

If you meet these conditions, you can protect your inventions in the UAE in line with the IP laws. Jitendra Intellectual Property (JIP), an IP firm in Dubai, can ensure fast approval for your patent applications. We are registered patent agents with years of experience in the UAE. Call us today to get a valuable consultation on our patent services.

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