Indications that tell you must Protect Your Brand Now

A registered trademark is one of the most valuable intangible asset which effectively convey your brand’s message to consumers and the public. Conducting trademark registration in the UAE helps brand owners to make the consumers loyal to the brand. People tend to associate a registered trademark with quality and reliability. A trademark registration gives you exclusive rights to the use of a specific brand and stops others from copying it.

However, most startups and SMEs neglect the importance of registering a trademark in the UAE. It is equally disheartening that they do not even know when to register a brand in the UAE. By the time they apply for trademark registration, a competitor might have registered a confusingly similar brand name or logo with the UAE Trademark Office. The following blog provides you with some important signs that tell the urgency to trademark your brand now:

You have invested in brand promotion.

You have created a new brand for your product or service, and you are actively promoting it everywhere. You are spending time, energy and thousands of dollars advertising this valuable brand. You want the public to remember the brand name, logo, and slogan while they go out to buy a product or service. However, the problem is that you don’t legally own the brand until you trademark it.

Anyone can own an identical or similar brand name or logo by registering it with the Trademark Office. If someone registers a similar brand name before you, it will be tough for you to claim it back. Therefore, apply for trademark registration in the UAE immediately if you are spending money to promote the brand. Trademark agents in the UAE can advise you on how to prepare and submit the application.

You are planning to expand the business.

Your business is expanding to different jurisdictions, or you are planning to franchise. In any of these situations, you must register a trademark in the relevant territory. If you are expanding your business in multiple countries, you can use the Madrid Protocol to ensure your brand is protected in each jurisdiction. The Madrid Protocol only requires a single application in a single language, and you need to pay only a single set of fees.

When you franchise, the most important aspect you are selling is the right for the franchisees to operate under your brand. This means you are licensing the other party to use your registered trademark. You need to establish your ownership over the trademark by conducting trademark registration so that you can license it to third parties.

Competition is high in the market

Your brand operates in a highly competitive market where your competitors are selling products or services that are similar to yours. When everyone is selling the same thing, it is important for businesses to stand out from the crowd. Nowadays, being different gives you more returns than being better. If you’re a restaurant, an accounting firm, a real estate agent, a beauty brand, or an apparel company, your brand is the most recognisable asset that differentiates you from your competitors. But it will work only if you have registered your brand as a trademark.

You aim for business longevity.

You need to register your brand in the UAE if you plan to operate for a long time. If you look at businesses with a long history, you can see that they all have a registered trademark. If you have been in the business for a long time without a registered trademark, chances are high that someone has already hijacked it. You will have to engage in lengthy and expensive trademark litigation to claim the trademark back. A registered trademark is a critical ingredient of business longevity in the UAE.

Your brand is being recognised.

As a result of aggressive marketing, people have started recognising your brand. Your brand is generating new leads, and you are able to convert them into customers. People are searching online for your brand’s name to buy products or names. It means your brand has become worth owning. However, your competitors may try to have a free ride on the back of your profitable brand. They may try to confuse the customers by registering a similar brand name or logo. It is suicidal not to perform trademark registration in the UAE for a highly recognised brand. Talk with trademark agents in the UAE at the earliest to know what you can do to protect the brand.

Hire the Best Trademark Agents in the UAE

If you experience any of the signs mentioned in this blog, you must immediately apply for trademark registration in the UAE. However, the process is lengthy, requiring a proper strategy. Highly qualified trademark agents in the UAE, such as Jitendra Intellectual Property (JIP), can advise you on the procedures. JIP is one of the leading providers of trademark registration services in Dubai, UAE.

We ensure your trademark remains protected throughout its lifespan by carrying out a trademark search, trademark watch and trademark renewal services. JIP also offers international trademark registration services through the Madrid Protocol. Contact us for a consultation on how to protect your trademark in the UAE and across the world.

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