Logo or Brand Name: What Should You Trademark First?

Deciding what to register first, a logo or a brand name is a key question you must address when it comes to trademark registration in the UAE. Logos and names are key pillars of branding that need to be trademarked to protect them from being copied. Logos and brand names are key factors that help businesses establish a brand in the minds of the public. However, the timing of their registration is also important for which trademark agents in the UAE can help you.

In this article, we will guide you on the key differences between a logo and a name as trademarks. We will also let you understand what to register first or if is it beneficial to register them in a single application. Keep reading to understand these key aspects of registering a logo or brand name as a trademark in the UAE.

What is a Brand Name? 

A brand name can be your company’s name or the name of a product or service you offer. Your customers connect with your brand through the name as it allows visualisation. Usually, they attribute a certain level of quality and reliability to your brand name. If you think that a shampoo you used last time is worth using again, your next purchase will be based on the ‘brand name of the shampoo’. You will also mention the brand name of the product if you wish to recommend it to a friend, colleague or family member.

What Do You Mean by a Logo?

Just like names, logos can also be used to create and establish a strong brand. You are also allowed to safeguard your business logo through trademark registration in the UAE. A logo is a graphic sign or symbol that identifies a company, product or service. A typical logo is a combination of typographies, graphics/symbols, and colours. A logo is an easily recognisable symbol that you can use to attract the attention of your potential customers. You can seek the assistance of trademark agents in the UAE to protect your logos by registering them with the Trademark Office.

Logo or Name: Which is More Important? 

Both the logo and the name establish the identity of your brand. Customers can use both the logo and the name to distinguish the products or services of your company from the products or services of your competitors. Both are key factors that can help you to create a loyal customer base. So, where lies the difference?

When you apply for trademark registration in the UAE, it is advisable to give preference to your brand name. A logo comes after the brand name as logos are created based on your brand’s name. When a customer sees a logo, it is the name of the brand that comes to their mind. It means logos are created to supplement the brand name. Moreover, when they recommend a product to someone they will mention the brand name and not the logo.

Is it Okay to Register the Logo and Name Together? 

Applying for a logo and a brand name in a single application is not advisable. It is because each trademark application covers only a single mark. If you file them in a single application, the scope of the protection will only cover that specific arrangement and combination of both features. A single application will not protect each of the components, which means protection won’t be guaranteed for the name and logo separately.

If you wish to protect both the logo and brand name, it is recommended to make two separate applications. You can move one application for the logo and another for the brand name to ensure that both of your marks get adequate trademark protection independently. Consult with trademark agents in the UAE to decide which way is better for you.

Consult with Trademark Agents in the UAE

Conducting trademark registration in the UAE is an essential step in brand building for all types of businesses. You can win a customer’s attention through a strong and unique mark but you need to seek the advice of trademark agents in the UAE before applying for registration. IP firms in Dubai such as Jitendra Intellectual Property (JIP) can help you develop a strategy for registering your logos and brand names.

JIP has a team of experienced trademark agents who can help you to protect your mark both in the UAE and across key global territories. Our trademark services in the UAE include trademark search, trademark registration, trademark watch, trademark renewal etc. We provide the best trademark solutions that you can count on.

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