Trademark Protection for Your Product Package in UAE

Conducting trademark registration in the UAE for your product package is one of the best ways to enhance brand recognition. Distinctive packaging can crystallize a product and the brand in consumers’ minds. Packaging makes your product distinctive from that of your competitors and brand owners achieve this in various ways such as producing a shipping box spotted like an animal, a unique opening or closing feature of a package, or a stylized flap that opens to reveal a viewing window in the package etc.

You have unique product packaging that plays a significant role in getting your brand instantly recognized by the public. This makes it highly important to protect IP rights in relation to your packaging design. You can register a trademark in the UAE for protecting your distinctive package design by filing a well-crafted trademark application with the Ministry of Economy. Trademark agents in the UAE can help you draft flawless trademark applications and submit them to the Trademark Office as per relevant laws and standard procedures. Read the below article to know how to protect your product package design in the UAE:

You can trademark how the package looks

Brand owners can seek trademark protection in the UAE for the way a product package looks, which is also known as a trade dress. A stylized soda bottle such as that of “Coca-Cola’ is an example of this. A trade dress for a product package consists of the overall combination and arrangement of the design elements such as graphics, layout, colour or colour combinations.

However, these elements should be considered together, irrespective of which are subject to protection and which are not. A product packaging will be granted trademark registration if the customers can recognize the product according to its trade dress and packaging. You should also remember that the product-packaging trade dress will be denied IP protection if it is not distinctive. Consult with trademark agents in the UAE for more information on this.

You can trademark how the packaging works

Brand owners can conduct trademark registration in the UAE for the way a product packaging operates. For example, if the way a customer opens a package is distinctive enough to indicate the source of its origin, the packaging can be trademarked. Trademark companies in Dubai can advise you more on this method of trademark registration.

Stops Others From Using Your Design

Applying for trademark registration is critical for your brand recognition. Whether it’s a logo displayed on the package or the design of the package, registering a trademark with the Ministry of Economy will help you gain nationwide IP protection. By obtaining trademark protection in the UAE, you can discourage others from copying your product’s package design. This is essential for enhancing the brand recognition and brand value of your company. YOU can easily register a trademark with the help of trademark consultants in Dubai.

UAE TM registration only protects package

If you trademark your product package, you will get protection only for the package and not for the product contained inside the packaging. If you want to get protection for the product held within the package, you need to file a separate application with the UAE Trademark Office. IP firms in Dubai can help you obtain trademark protection for both your products as well as product packaging.

Hire the Leading Trademark Agents in the UAE

Finally, we can conclude that obtaining trademark registration in the UAE for a product-packaging is critical for the success of your brand. However, it is subject to certain conditions and you need to be aware of the scope of protection as well. Only trademark agents in the UAE such as Jitendra Intellectual Property (JIP) can help you navigate these rules and regulations.

JIP is one of the leading providers of trademark services in Dubai with years of commendable experience. We provide bespoke services such as trademark registration & renewal, comprehensive trademark search and trademark watch. JIP also provides international trademark protection under the Madrid Protocol system. Consult with our trademark agents in the UAE today to protect your valuable brands at affordable prices.

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