Trademarking a Logo: Top Lessons for Automotive Brands

Automotive makers use a logo for expressing to the consumers what the brand stands for. Since a logo conveys the brand’s message to the public, it is essential to protect it through trademark registration in the UAE. A logo is a visual representation and a visual is more susceptible to infringement. Trademark infringements are rampant in the automotive industry which makes it critical for trademarking a logo in the UAE for brand owners. Here are some vital lessons for automotive brands about trademarking a logo.


Start with a Distinctive Design


You need to create a logo before applying for trademark registration. The logo must be unique to your business and the consumers should be able to identify your brand’s message. Big names in the industry such as Ford, BMW, Ferrari etc. had spent many hours and money to develop their logo. Such efforts have definitely paid off and that’s why their logos remain etched in our minds. The colour combination, fonts and design should align with your brand message. Also, do not try to imitate the design of any other well-known brand.


Conduct a Trademark Search


Once the logo is ready, it’s time to take the first step of trademark registration in the UAE. You should consult with an IP firm that offers the best trademark search services in Dubai, UAE. Though not a mandatory process, conducting a trademark search will save you from being opposed by owners of already registered trademarks. An opposition claim emerges when your proposed trademark bears confusing similarity to other registered or applied trademarks.


If the opposition claim is valid, your application will be rejected. To avoid this, your trademark agents will search on the Official Gazette and on the Internet to identify the registration of conflicting trademarks. If there are no conflicting trademarks, you are ready to go. Otherwise, trademark agents in Dubai will advise you on the next steps to be taken.


Make Design Adjustments if Necessary


After conducting a trademark search you can make adjustments to the logo design if deemed necessary. Sometimes a tweak in the logo may save your logo from infringing the IP rights of other trademarks. Or a change in design will make it more distinctive than it was. Don’t give preference to commonly used icons and use symbols that are associated with the automotive industry. Brainstorm about how you can tweak the logo to have them accurately represent your automotive brand. Once the adjustments are made, seek the advice of trademark agents in Dubai to proceed further with the trademark application.


Apply for a Trademark 


Once you made sure the logo is distinctive, move on to file an application to the UAE Trademark Office. Note that foreign companies/individuals cannot file a trademark application without trademark agents in the UAE. After receiving the application, the registrar will examine it to determine the trademark is in accordance with the UAE trademark law.


If no opposition is filed by third parties, the Trademark Office will issue the registration certificate at the same of paying the registration fees. Trademark registration certificate is valid for 10 years count from the date of filing the application. UAE trademark office no longer issue a trademark registration certificate in hard copy, trademark owners are provided with a soft copy of the certificate that is valid across all the government departments in the UAE.


Is trademarking a logo a good option?


This question is often asked by medium or small businesses that often keep aloof from conducting trademark registration in the UAE. Since the industry is highly competitive, another brand will come up with a logo similar to yours and get it registered. You will notice it only when the infringing logo becomes popular. Now, consumers get confused with the logo and the competitor benefits from it.


Your fight against the infringer will be weak if you have not registered the trademark. Now, you need to embark on lengthy legal procedures to reinstate your brand reputation which is damaged by the impersonator. The process would have been smoother if you had taken the initiative to register your brand in the UAE. Brand owners are advised to register their logos right from the beginning. Delaying registration will give an advantage to your competitors which will put your reputation at stake.


Ready to Protect your Logo in the UAE?


You have invested so much time and money in developing your automotive business. However, all of it would go to waste if you forgot to trademark your brand’s logo in the UAE. Creating a unique logo and securing it through trademark registration in the UAE is critical for brand reputation. Consulting with trademark agents in Dubai is key for businesses to ensure faster trademark clearance. Being one of the most experienced and top IP firms in Dubai, Jitendra Intellectual Property (JIP) knows the inland out of trademark procedures and standard practices. Consult with us today to secure your brand in the UAE and other GCC countries.

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