Conditions & Requirements to Obtain ESMA Certification for Baby Care Products

Baby care products are regulated in the UAE to ensure the safety and health of infants. Emirates Authority for Standardisation and Metrology (ESM) sets out the standards and technical requirements to regulate the supply of Baby care products in the UAE. In line with ESMA’s standards, suppliers of baby care products are required to conduct product certification in the UAE before distributing their products in the local market.

ESMA will issue a certificate of conformity to baby care products that comply with relevant standards and technical requirements. Selling baby care products in the UAE without an ESMA conformity certificate is a violation of Federal laws and will be met with severe consequences. Product certification agents in Dubai can help businessmen understand the complex standards and procedures set out by the ESMA. Read ahead to know further about the conditions and requirements to obtain an ESMA conformity certificate for distributing baby care products in the UAE.

Scope of Products under ESMA Regulation 

Product certification in the UAE is a scheme implemented by ESMA to certify regulated products as per Federal Law 28 of 2001. As per the scheme, baby care products come under the broader actor group of Chemicals. Under this broader sector, baby care products are again divided into the following specific categories:

  • Flexible nipples for baby feeding bottle
  • Soothers for babies and toddlers
  • Baby use and care materials – drinking tools
  • Child use and care articles — Cutlery and feeding utensils
  • Ready-to-use disposable diapers

Applicable Product Certification Scheme for Baby Care Products 

Baby care products must be certified under the Emirates Conformity Assessment Scheme (ECAS) implemented by the ESMA. ECAS has been instituted to certify government-regulated products as mandated by the Federal Law 28 of 2001. Under ECAS, the regulated products are required to meet the quality and safety standards detailed in the Technical Regulations adopted by the UAE government.

Suppliers of baby care products must obtain the certificate of conformity issued under the ECAS scheme before placing their products in the UAE market. A conformity certificate issued under this scheme is proof that the baby care product has been approved by the UAE Federal Government through ESMA. The certificate is an essential document to obtain clearance from Ports and Customs Authorities while shipping the products into the UAE. Consult with product certification agents in Dubai to obtain a conformity certificate quickly.

Who Should Apply for ESMA Product Certification in the UAE? 

Importers, manufacturers and distributors of baby care must conduct ESM product certification in the UAE before selling their products in the local market. Applicants must incorporate a company in the UAE to get their product certified from ESMA. However, companies based outside the UAE can get their products certified through licensed local distributors. Product certification agents in the UAE can help businesses to navigate all the steps associated with the process.

Documents Required for ESMA Product Certification in the UAE 

Applicants need to submit a set of documents mandated by the ESMA to demonstrate compliance with relevant standards and technical regulations. Inadequate document submission may lead to delay in the process of product certification in the UAE. Product certification agents in Dubai can help businesses to prepare all the relevant documents in compliance with the ESMA standards. Applicants need to submit the following documents to get their baby care products certified by the ESMA:

  1. Valid Trade license
  2. Test report from an accredited laboratory
  3. Declaration of conformity
  4. Payment of official fee

Mandatory Standards for Baby Care Products 

All kinds of regulated baby care products must meet certain standards mandated by the ESMA. Certificate of conformity will not be issued to the products that fail to meet the standards mandated by the ESMA. Baby care products must meet the following standards to get product certification in the UAE:

  • S GSO 2079 for flexible nipples for baby feeding bottle
  • S GSO 2015, 2016, 2073, 2074 for Soothers for babies and toddlers
  • S GSO 2164, 2168, 2163, 2267 for drinking tools
  • S GSO 1833 for Ready-to-use disposable diapers
  • S GSO 839, 1863 for Food Packaging Materials
  • S GSO 2231 for Food Contact Materials
  • EN 14372 for Cutlery and feeding utensils

Process of ESMA Product Certification in the UAE 

ESMA approves products through the following steps:

  1. Application submission through product certification agents in the UAE
  2. Application review by ESMA
  3. Application evaluation
  4. Detailed document review
  5. Evaluating the eligibility of the product for ESMA product certification in the UAE
  6. Issuance of certificate

Validity and Renewal of ESMA Conformity Certificate 

The conformity certificate issued by the ESMA is valid for a year. The certificate can be renewed two months before its expiry. Consult with product registration agents in Dubai to renew the certificate of conformity on time.

Consult with Product Certification Agents in Dubai, UAE 

The supply of baby care products is regulated by the ESMA to ensure the safety of infants. Importers, manufacturers and distributors of baby care products, therefore, must conduct product certification in the UAE before placing the products in the local market. Since the process involves complex steps, the businesses can seek the help of the best product certification agents in Dubai such as Jitendra Intellectual Property (JIP).

JIP is a leading provider of reliable product certification services in Dubai and across the UAE. Our product registration agents in the UAE can advise the businesses on the requirements, laboratory tests, and mandatory standards related to the ESMA registration process. JIP can execute the application submission; document drafting and help you obtain the conformity certificate without any hassle.

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