Essential Tips for Trademarking the Logo of Your Business in the UAE

“A picture is worth a thousand words” is an old adage that has proven to be the core of every successful brand strategy. Look at the logos of McDonald’s, Apple or any other powerful brand, and you may understand how a brilliantly designed logo boosts a brand visibility manifold. For businesses of all sizes, a logo is the most potent brand distinguisher, which needs to be protected through trademark registration in the UAE. Registering your brand’s logo with the UAE trademark office helps to reserve its exclusive use for you.


A trademarked logo prevents potential brand confusion with other brands or companies and ensures that consumers can quickly identify your brand. In most cases, people recognize brands through their famous logos, which makes it crucial for companies to protect them from infringement. You can consult with registered trademark agents in Dubai to deal with the legal requirements and procedures of logo registration. Read this article to get to know the essentials of trademarking a logo in the UAE.


An Original Logo Design is Crucial for You


Coming up with an original design is the most important prerequisite for registering a catchy logo for your company. A logo can be an image or a design element such as an animal, a tree, a bird or any symbol. A logo can solely be your business name, depending on the brand message you intend to convey to the consumers.


Design of the logo is important as it would be used the same way every time to distinguish your products or services. The core idea here is the logo must not be confused with the design of any existing logo in the market. Consult with trademark agents in Dubai before finalizing the logo design.


Research Should Precede Trademark Filing


Before finalizing the logo design, you need to ensure that it is compliant with the UAE Trademark Law. Logo trademarks that contravene the rules of the Ministry of Economy will be rejected outright. Consider the following rules of thumb before finalizing your logo for trademark registration in the UAE,

  • The logo shouldn’t be against public morals or social order.
  • It shouldn’t be of a purely religious character.
  • Logos should not be identical or similar to flags of any country, international organizations, and governments.
  • It shouldn’t be similar or identical to logos of the Red Cross or the Red Crescent or any other such organizations.
  • The logo should not contain geographic names that may cause misunderstanding as to the origin of a product or service.


Let a Trademark Agent Search for Conflicting Marks


Once you have finalized the logo design, you are technically eligible for filing an application for trademark registration in the UAE. However, you need to ensure that the logo won’t be rejected by the Trademark Office for bearing similarity with an already registered trademark. As a precautionary measure, let your trademark agents in Dubai, UAE conduct a trademark search on your logo.


The agents will search the official database and other online platforms to see if your proposed logo conflicts with registered trademarks. Once they give you the nod, you can proceed with filing the application. A trademark search is the most effective solution for a faster trademark clearance in the UAE, even though it is legally not mandatory.


File the Trademark Application Accurately


Once the trademark agent in the UAE assures you that the logo is strong and distinctive, you may proceed to file the application with the Trademark Office. You should furnish documents and information including full name and address, list of goods/services covered by the application, soft copy of the proposed trademark and a power of attorney notarized by the Notary Public and legalized up to the UAE consulate.


Once submitted, the application makes its way through a series of formal procedures such as examination, publication in the Gazette & newspapers, opposition claims (if any) etc. The Trademark Office will issue a trademark registration certificate once all these steps are successfully navigated. Since the UAE trademark registration is a lengthy process, you need to hire accredited trademark agents in Dubai with considerable industry experience.


Jitendra Intellectual Property Helps you Register a Logo in the UAE


Having a unique logo is key to establishing a strong brand identity in the UAE as the customers easily identify your products through the logo. Protecting the logo through trademark registration in the UAE ensures that you receive exclusive rights to use it. It is mandatory for foreign brand owners to register their trademarks in the UAE through accredited trademark agents. Highly experienced trademark agents in Dubai, such as Jitendra Intellectual Property (JIP), can ensure that your logo gets faster clearance from the Ministry of Economy.


As a full-service IP firm in Dubai, JIP can advise on the registration through search report, selection and retention of trademarks, apart from preparing and executing trademark applications. JIP can assist you in case any party raises an opposition claim. By availing of JIP’s trademark registration services in Dubai, UAE, brand owners can ensure their trademarks remain protected from competitors and counterfeiters.

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