Essential Trademark and Branding Insights for Construction Industry

The construction industry has witnessed a boom since The Bureau International des Expositions (BIE) in Paris named Dubai as the host on November 27, 2013. And now, beating pandemic Dubai is gearing up to open the EXPO 2020 in October this year. The new peace agreement with Israel and the resumption of trade ties with Qatar have further boosted the profitability of the sector in the UAE. In the backdrop of these new developments, it is worthwhile to discuss why the businesses in the sector should concentrate more on branding and protect their Intellectual Property (IP) rights and their huge investments through trademark registration in the UAE.

Owners of construction companies are traditionally business-savvy, and this adeptness helped them accomplish their success. However, trademark protection is one blind spot that hampers their business prospects. In a highly overcrowded market like Dubai, branding and IP protection become more critical than ever, especially after the Israelis are showing interest in the UAE market. The construction industry can no longer no turn a blind eye to the importance of trademark registration in the UAE, which is why we have come up with some useful insights on trademark and branding insights for the sector. Read on for more useful insights:

Come Up with a Strong Brand Identity

The construction industry in Dubai or elsewhere in the world is dependent on strong relationships that are critical for business success. A construction company’s progress is heavily influenced by its relationship with clients, suppliers, employees, architects, contractors etc. The strength of these relationships defines the company’s brand.

The owner may think his or her company represents reliability and quality, but if the clients think otherwise something is wrong with the strategy. Building a successful brand strategy and protecting it through brand registration in Dubai becomes relevant in this situation. A registered trademark speaks to the clients about the values represented by the brand, which is key to cementing trust among the general public. Get help from accredited trademark agents in Dubai to protect construction business brands.

A Strong Brand Name is Key for Unique Identity

Construction companies often choose the surname of the owner or founder for their brands, ‘Al Ghurair’ for example. Even though surnames are easily identifiable, such trademarks are weak in terms of distinctiveness. A distinctive name is key to a strong trademark and helps in tackling infringement.

A strong trademark can be fanciful, arbitrary or suggestive, but the companies should avoid generic, descriptive trademarks. Fanciful and arbitrary trademarks offer the strongest trademark protection, while generic and descriptive trademarks are vulnerable to infringement. It is highly advisable to consult with trademark agents in Dubai before finalising the brand name for the construction company.

Register Trademarks in UAE to Tackle Infringement

The construction sector is an aggressively competitive market that calls for the need to stand out in the market by outplaying the competitors. Aggressive competition may sometimes result in a brand trying to infringe the registered trademarks of its competitors. The infringer, in this case, is trying to leverage the brand value of the competitors. The infringer may use a brand name or logo that is similar to the competitor to create confusion among the consumers.

A confused customer may choose the services or products of the infringer when they meant to choose the well-known brand. A registered trademark in the UAE gives power for the victim, in this case, to request the cessation of the use of the confusing trademark again by sending a ‘cease & desist letter’. If necessary, the brand owner can approach a court to stop the infringer from using the registered trademark in the UAE. The assistance of trademark agents in Dubai will come in handy for the brand owners to navigate trademark disputes.

Follow the Standard Procedures of Registration

Every applicant needs to register their trademarks with the UAE Trademark Office at the Ministry of Economy. The Trademark Office has a highly streamlined procedure to register trademarks in the UAE. A highly critical process in the registration procedure is filing the trademarks under relevant Trademark Classes as per the NICE Classification.

For the Construction industry, the relevant trademark class is Class 37, which includes building construction, demolition, repair, and installation services. Class 37 is a broad class that includes mainly services rendered by contractors or subcontractors in the construction or improvement of buildings etc. The trademarks can also be filed under coordinated classes such as,

  • Class 36 – Insurance and Finance Services
  • Class 38 – Telecommunications Services
  • Class 39 – Shipping and Travel Services
  • Class 40 – Material Treatment Services
  • Class 41 – Education and Entertainment Services
  • Class 42 – Science and Technology Services
  • Class 43 – Food Services
  • Class 44 – Medical and Vet Services
  • Class 45 – Legal and Security Services

It is important to register the trademarks in primary as well as relevant coordinated classes depending on the other services offered by the company. Also, it is important to avoid registering trademarks in the wrong classes to prevent competitors from committing infringement and brand confusion.

Hire Trademark Agents in Dubai to Build a Strong Brand

In a highly dynamic market like Dubai, a construction company has to depend upon the brand reputation to achieve business success. Protecting the brand name by performing trademark registration in the UAE is vital to safeguard the reputation of the company. For protecting the trademarks, the companies require the assistance of registered trademark agents in Dubai, such as Jitendra Intellectual Property (JIP). The trademark agents assist the brand owners to successfully register trademarks with the UAE trademark office in compliance with standard procedures.

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