3 Tips to Save Time & Money While Managing Trademark Renewals in the UAE

By conducting trademark registration in the UAE, the brand owners can ensure protection to their assets such as brands, logos and designs for ten years. Once the protection period expires, you need to file for trademark renewal in the UAE. Effectively managing trademark renewal requires dedicated efforts and involves the risk of loss of money in the form of late penalties.

Also read: Five Misconceptions About Managing Trademarks Internationally

Failing to renew your registered trademarks within the stipulated time and the allowed grace period will invite dire consequences. The UAE Ministry of Economy can remove the trademark from the register on its motion, which will impact your brand value and profit. This means you need to devise a strategy to ensure you are not wasting your time and money while renewing trademark registration in UAE.

Also read: Do’s and Don’ts For Successful Trademark Registration in the UAE

Here are some useful tips that you can apply while renewing your trademark registration in the UAE:

 1. ‘Save the Date’, File as Soon as Possible

If you are looking for a simple and cost-effective way to avoid all the headaches related to trademark renewals, you need to do this: file all your trademark renewals on time. Effectively managing the renewal of all your UAE trademarks mean that you can save yourself from incurring the late fees and penalty. A right holder is allowed to renew the trademark registration in UAE after the expiry of the protection period.

The trademark owners get a grace period of three months even after the protection period of their trademark registered in UAE. However, if you are filing the renewal application after the expiry period a late penalty fee is applicable. Trademark agents in Dubai who provide efficient services send timely reminders about the renewal dates so that you can avoid the late penalty fee.

Related: New UAE Trademark Registration Fees & Its Impact on Business Sector

2. Devise a Strategy if Multiple Trademarks Involved

It would be tough if you have multiple trademark renewals approaching. In most cases, the renewals will be approaching within a few months of each other. If that is the case, it would be a better strategy to delay renewals of some of the trademarks and let it coincide with the other renewals. In this way, you can file all your important trademark renewals at the same time. Even though this strategy may not play out to be a big money saver, it will reduce all the efforts involved in the process as you can renew all your UAE trademark registrations at the same time. Work out this strategy by discussing with trusted trademark agents in Dubai if you are keen on saving some time on renewals.

3. Let Intellectual Property Firms Manage Renewals

If saving money and costs are your top priorities while renewing your trademark registration in the UAE, you need to avail the services of reputed Intellectual Property (IP) firms in Dubai, UAE. Experienced IP firms in Dubai could keep you updated about your renewal dates. IP firms would shoulder the responsibility to save you from unnecessary late penalties and saves your money. Professional IP companies save your times by properly filing all the documents without any error. An IP firm would have highly qualified trademark agents in Dubai, UAE who would ensure that the documents are properly translated into Arabic in compliance with the laws.

Related: 5 Things to Consider While Choosing Intellectual Property Services in UAE

Jitendra Intellectual Property Has Your Best Interest in Mind

Renewing trademark registration in the UAE is an absolute necessity for brands to protect the rights they have over their registered IP assets. Failing to renew the UAE-registered trademarks will dent the brand identity thereby leading to business loss eventually. However, managing trademark renewals in the UAE requires good effort as the brand owners should ensure that they are mot missing the deadlines. Reputed IP firms in Dubai such as Jitendra Intellectual Property (JIP) make trademark renewals easy for businesses.

JIP has a team of highly qualified trademark agents in Dubai who ensure that the trademark owners get timely reminders about the renewals. JIP’s trademark agents in Dubai file the renewal application with the Trademark Office on behalf of the clients. JIP provides the brand owners with efficient strategies to renew their trademark registration in the UAE that is cost-effective as well as time-saving. As one of the best IP firms in Dubai, JIP is dedicated to safeguarding the IP rights of the brand owners efficiently.

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